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Tasks of the Institute


The „Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium“ is a way to ensure a standardized trade with crystallized Osmium.


The tasks are being processed through a team of experts who inform merchants, processing facilities and are here for all questions partners might have.



Osmium is crystallized solely in Switzerland. The export is always shipped to Germany first.

Here, all pieces of Osmium will be documented, photographed and authenticated with certificates.

Purity, weight and structures are confirmed to the customer. The authenticity is solely confirmed in Germany. Because of employing different people for crystallisation and certification, we have more eyes watching over the process to eliminate mistakes. 



During the certification, the following steps performed:

1.)   Authentication

2.)   Weighing

3.)   Documenting the crystals structure photographically

4.)   Issuing a serial number

5.)   Including the piece into the world Osmium database

6.)   Registering the date of authentication

7.)   Determination of the kind of certification

8.)   Issuing an authenticated certificate

9.)   Shipment to the exporting trading partner

For our end customers, when buying from one of our specialized merchants, the authentication is for free. When buying from a private person the certification is fee-based. The costs are 70,- Euros (plus VAT) if the prior certificate is available.

If a chemical analysis is needed to issue a completely new certification the customer must pay for the process. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep the certificate as you will receive with your Osmium as long as you are in possession of it.


Placing Osmium on the market

“Placing Osmium on the market” includes every step from importing the crystallized Osmium to Germany up to exporting it to our Wholesale Partners all over the world.

When doing so, the Osmium must be authenticated and certified.

Osmium can only be placed on the international market by the “Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium”. Main goal is maximum security for end customers and jewellers.


Taking the examination as a merchant

To ensure merchants and partners have all the important knowledge about Osmium, they must participate in an online training here: www.osmium-academy.com.

The examination is performed by the “Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium”.

Certificated and specialized merchants will be listed here: www.osmium.info.


Osmium Data Base

The international Osmium Data Base covers every piece of crystallized Osmium. Osmium which is sold from a private person to another is recorded, too. Only difference is that it won’t be recorded namely.

When buying Osmium, it is recommended to order a new certificate and (if desired) add a name to it.

Osmium certificates can be issued directly to a product number which is why it does not have to be a person. This way the owner can stay anonymous, but the piece of Osmium can still be easily tracked to issue new certificates.

In near future, it will be possible to take a photo, upload it into an application and get the authentication of the crystallized structure immediately.

Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium

Am Mösl 41, 82418 Murnau am Staffelsee

T: +49 89 744888811

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Tasks of the Institute